Restaurant Photographs - In which I am a content snob

I was out with Himself indoors last week at a reasonably upscale winebar/restaurant in Dublin.. (By reasonably upscale I mean the prices were ridiculous and the food portions were... small). While waiting for our drinks to arrive I noticed the photographs on the walls. 

Restaurant photos are usually pretty generic, one might say bland. They are there to add a background flavour to the room, but not to dominate it. These photos though were remarkable. Remarkably bad. So much so that I did remark on them, perhaps loudly.. 

In fact, their very existence is still annoying me. 

It's not that they were offensive. They were just terrible. They were both bland and badly composed. There was no story, no point of view, no reason for these photos to exist. 

But, in fairness to the nameless photographer, they have inspired me to take more photos. I have been sending Himself Indoors pictures all week with a tagline "See, even my Instagram pictures are better than that crap that was on the walls"..

Dublin is a beautiful, engaging city that deserves better. Restaurant walls deserve better.. people paying for over-priced food and drink deserve better..

I demand better art.. 


(Personal Plug: if you want to see my dublin, here's my instagram account)

Photo taken by Fionnuala Murphy, August 2015

Photo taken by Fionnuala Murphy, August 2015

Photo taken by Fionnuala Murphy, August 2015

Photo taken by Fionnuala Murphy, August 2015